
Creatively Writing through Loss

4 weeks online, beginning Tuesday 11th June and then every Tuesday until 2nd July


Writing can be a hugely helpful process when we are figuring out what has happened, who we are now, where we find ourselves and what matters to us in the wake of grief.

This online course is not about producing finished pieces of work, it is about engaging with the process of writing. It will be supportive, kind and refreshing. You do not need to have any experience of writing to participate fully.

Please do join me. If you cannot afford the suggested donation, pay what you can. If you can’t afford anything and you need this course, come anyway.

You can contact me here if you need more information and here to book.

A Day to Tend to Grief

Saturday June 15th in South Brent

Please join me on this gentle day when we will tend to our grief, be it old or new, personal or global.

The day will be held with sensitivity, a lightness of touch and a trust in the resilience of the human spirit – your resilience. We will use nature as a guide, be playfully creative, have time to share and time to reflect quietly.

This is a stand alone day but will I hope also be a taster for a longer group beginning in the autumn.

There is a suggested fee of £30 but please feel welcome to pay less if this is more than you can afford or nothing at all if you can afford nothing at all! If you can pay more, thank you.

Please bring your own lunch. Tea and cake will be provided.

To book, please fill in the form here. If you have any difficult filling in and submitting this form, please contact me here

A Day of Song and Silence for Peace

Saturday 13th July in South Brent, Devon

A second day to sing for peace but a little different this time, with more time for contemplation. (I will also be holding this one alone.)

We will sing quiet songs, some in unison, some in 2-3 parts, some from different traditions around the world and some home grown. There will be time to meditate and, weather permitting, time outside in nature. I welcome you bringing along a poem or a blessing to share and we will end with a simple ritual dedicated to peace.

Please join me, bringing yourself, your love and your voice – whether you think you can sing or not. Please bring your own lunch. Tea, coffee and cake will be provided.

There is a suggested donation of £30 but please don’t let money be a bar to you coming. If that is too much, then pay what you can afford – or more if you can.

To book, please complete the form here. If you have any difficulty filling in or submitting this form, please contact me here

Bespoke Workshops/Groups/Retreats created for You

Please contact me if you would like me to run day or residential workshops or retreats for your group, in-person or online, related to dying, grieving, funerals or eldering.


An opportunity to be heard and witnessed, to share the wisdom of our mature womanhood, to connect to one another and the seasons – the seasons of the year and the seasons of our lives.

In person montly gathering for post menopausal women in South Devon.


Please contact me here to make an enquiry